Thursday, March 10, 2005

I have a brain - and it's monotone!

I have a brain - and it's monotone!

Ok, so I touched on it briefly a few days ago that I was going for a brain scan. Well today was the day, and yes, you'll be pleased to hear, I hope, that I do have one. To cut a long story short, to save you the tedium of reading it all, for the last 5 years or so I have been having some severe migraines at night time. I will wake up in a cold sweat, yet feeling like I am burning up inside my head. I'm unable to stand up properly or to put on the lights as it increases the blinding pain. Several visits to the GP and at last I was eventually sent to see a consultant at the Nuerology hospital in Queen Square, which leads onto todays scan. Due to the usual NHS money problems etc etc they are now scanning patients in carparks. Not as bad as it sounds, but it's been farmed out to a private company on an NHS contract, so I found myself this afternoon in the carpark of the North Middlesex Hospital, just off the North Circular!
One hell of a drive to get there, one hell of a time trying to get parked, one hell of a time trying to find a pay and display machine that worked, and one hell of a time running round most of the hospital buildings to find the pathology reception to eventually find it right next to the car park, it just hadn't been signposted.
Anyway, it's all very quick, in the back of the van, remove all metal objects and then lay down with some headphones on and off it goes. Very strange feeling as the bed is pulled back into the machine, then the noises start. And my God it is noisy. I have to keep totally still, typical that my nose should start to itch the second the machine starts! Twenty minutes later and I'm out, looking at my brain on a laptop. I asked if they could email it but they had their email cut due to checking their Hotmail when working, however the best I could do was to get a pic of the scanning unit. Not very exciting I guess. So, my scans are sent halfway round the world to be analysed then the results come back in a few days. I just have to wait now to hear from the consultant and see what happens next. Meanwhile, I am safe in the knowledge that I have seen my brain, even if it's only in black and white!

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