Sunday, September 18, 2005

Thames Festival - Sunday - Night Carnival and Fireworks

Second day of this busy weekend and I needed a rest. Got up a bit late and as I hadn't planned on much for today I took it a little easier and decided to go and visit the Hunterian Museum at the Royal College of Surgeons in Lincoln's Inn Field. No pics of this as no pics where allowed, but suffice to say this is a small and fascinating place, if you are into looking at bits of bodies in glass jars. This museum has only been open a year or so, and so everything is very fresh and new looking and the huge amount of exhibits is well presented in a smallish space.

I decided I'd want to go and see the final part of the Thames Festival this evening and get some great pics of the photos and other events going on, but great pics are not something I can manage with my little camera. A trip to Jessops corrected that and I now have a pretty decent camera at last, and some successful haggling and price matching I walked away a very happy man. A quick read of the manual and a charging up of the battery and I was back on the South Bank, taking some decent pics of the various events and some fabulous pics of the fireworks.

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