Monday, February 28, 2005

Zyban can be hell!

Zyban can be hell!

Five weeks into the course of Zyban (the stop smoking drug) and I feel like I haven't slept a wink since I started taking them. Ok so I've stopped the smoking which was the main point of taking them in the first place, and what's more, after 20+ years of 40+ a day, I'm not missing them at all, which has surprised me more than anyone else. But this tiredness is killing me slowly, probably more so than the fags themselves! At least in 4 weeks time the course will be finished and I'll be able to sleep again. I was warned about some of the side effects, and there are a lot of them, but I guess, the sleeplessness and sweaty (very sweaty) nights are minimal to some of the side effects I could have had. Even death was one of the side effects, but at least those people gave up smoking for good.

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