Tuesday, May 03, 2005

I'm seeing double, triple, quadruple.........

Since Yahoo bought Flickr a month or so ago, the sheer number or pictures that are now archived is huge, and growing at an unheard of rate for an online library. It's not surprising then that pictures of the same thing will appear again and again. Searching on the tags will give you hundreds of pictures of say, the Eiffel Tower or the pyramids in Egypt. Despite all these iconic images having their photos recorded for posterity, they are usually taken from different points. Not so with the Great Court at the British Museum. As you first enter the courtyard, your eyes are drawn, followed by camera wielding hands up to the left hand side, resulting in image after image after image after image after image after image after image after image after image after image after image after image, all taken from exactly the same spot. My effort is shown above but I also got a picture of the window cleaners. I bet no one else has got that one!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fantastic!!! Oh the things one can find on Flickr! This is an excellent find though!